Saturday, June 18, 2011


It has been a few weeks since I have blogged, or even sewed!! It has been so crazy busy at work, and alot of physical jobs going on that I have come home so tired. I finally have had 2 full days off, one day to try and get myself back into the real world, today is for turning on the sewing machine and whipping out a few Scrappys for some wonderful customers that have been waiting so well without even a peep till I got a day off.

I am at that point again, wondering if work is becoming all of me and I have nothing left when I finally do step away. I have been in this position before, and I walked away from it, for my sanity, but not sure this time. I am at a big "not sure of anything" point in my life right now....deciding to just stay put, or have a go at running my own business, or get back into teaching, or go back home???? Making decisions is not a thing I am good at.

So for now I need to keep the sewing machine going and hopefully that pull will keep me from completely overdoing myself at "work" hopefully people will keep me busy with orders :) and I guess I have a niece whom is coming up on a 1st birthday that I can sew some great new dresses for. I have a book with ideas, so I best get to work and start churning out some of this new ides.

Here's to a crazy busy wonderful day of sewing and creating (in my jammies)